And yes I'm.
Yesterday, I bought my 4th Sony Ericsson phone - K770i.
And the problem is, I lack of sim card...
I have 3 sim cards right now (3rd sim card is on the way of shipment)
Normally people are lack of phones, but I'm lack of sim cards...
If you ask me why I buy so many phones.
I also don't know how to explain.
Because I just dislike to sell my phone.
And every phones are still in good condition, why I sell them?
Buy them is because I like, that's all.
Okay, back to the sim card.
I own 014, 016, 017.
Happy, Digi and Maxis.
Perhaps it is the time for me to try Celcom or U Mobile...
New sim card ya???
No matter how...
I'm just crazy.
My Mobile Phones
Top Left: K770i
Top Right: K310i
Bottom Left: W550i
Bottom Right: P1i
All Sony Ericsson,
Thank you.
u got 4 phone consider crazy ah? ppl got more than u how? mad ah? hehe
ermm... more than me ar...
then is craziessssssssssss~
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